
Seizoen 2021

Een voorbeeld van hoe een poster overzicht eruit ziet

2015 – Elise Guihard (FR)

French artist from Rennes, Elise Guihard realised two projects during her residency in Charlois. Would you like a sculpture for your house? started in September 2015 during her NAC (Nieuwe Ateliers Charlois) residency in Wielewaal. Elise created a series of sculptures for residents of the area. For Charlois Speciaal, a ten dat festival in Charlois (June 2016), Guihard realised the project CH – CH – CH – Charles de Charolles à Charlois, related to the history of the area’s name. What would happen if Guihard visited tge village of Charolles where Charloes The Bold was Count, to speak about this history?

2016 – Levent Kunt (DE)

In Rotterdam, rectangular constructions of various sizes, with framed fire hydrants, are displayed in public spaces. Kunt transformed one of these existing constructions on the largest green areas in the Maashaven to create a new bench seat. The seat is foldable from one side and thus accessible to the hydrant at any time. The green area forms a dike at the Maashaven creating an imaginary border, which is not used by the surrounding inhabitants and separates the neighborhood from the road an the industry. This minimal intervention on the spot invites people to used the seat and the dyke.

2016 – Stijn van Dorpe (BE)

For Short_Cut Tarwewijk, residents and guests walked a straight line through the neighborhood of Tarwewijk Charlois. The Short_Cut passes through both public and private spaces, through front doors, livingrooms, gardens, churches, schools and commercial spaces. Together with inhabitants and many volunteers it is intended to transform Short_Cut Tarwewijk into an annual event. The like to be walked is re-drawn each year, addressing new areas, locations and people, creating new connections. By embedding the event strongly with the neighborhood, the impossible can be realised: the collective creation of a space of imagination.

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